Sunday, June 3, 2012

Looking back on the past 6 months, I am in awe of the journey that God has brought me on. I cant help but give thanks to God for all the wonderful memories and lifelong friends that I have made during the last semester of college... here is a reflection on just 20.

1. Living in a refugee community...Willow Branch, my home. 

2. the beauty of the little things in life...clothes drying outside

3. Volcano boarding-CNN #2 thing to do before you die

 4. Jonna surviving Nicaragua

5. neighborhood girls bonding nights

 6. weekly outings to the Yogurt tap...especially with sweet Halima =]

 7. spontaneously beginning a garden in the backyard. end result= pile of dirt... but totally worth the memories made.

 8. the joys of staying up throughout the night taking care of the stray kitten- pistol pete
** those who know me during this time, know that this is a complete lie and I am not very thankful at all for little petey, clearly I am not ready to be a mother

 9. the reckless, adventurous spirt of the neighborhood kids

 10. the beauty of friendships, in which you can hardly speak the same language

 11. spending time with friends new and old

12. exchange buddies!


 14. spontaneous model shoots 

 15. KELLY! 

 16. eating so much candy, your ILL...don't miss Nischal on the ground 

 17. the experience of living with 2 Iranian refugees, and not being able to speak the same language

 18. who needs to speak the same language? parties with the roommates

19. the burst of energy from roommates who speak english! JENNA!

 20. picnic's in the park

21. trip with the parents to St. Martins- Graduation celebration!!

 22. dinner dates in Decatur

23. modern technology aka skype so I can talk to my BFF and sitter

24. newfound love for FARMING!

25. laughter and unforgettable memories with friends

26. kids using our window as a door

27. spending time with Bailey reminiscing on college adventures

28. my mothers visit to Clarkston

29. hiking with the family

Okay so I did more than 20...but who likes even numbers anyways! 


  1. soni...this blog is already 4000 times cooler than our old one. can't wait to follow your life in malawi! l-o-v-e you!

  2. Love this blog. You always do the coolest stuff. Love the pictures and memories I made.You are the best twat that ever lived. xox
